Reduce Errors, Time And Stress: 5 Tips For Proficient Payroll Handling

Payroll is an integral part of your business. It can often be complex, but it is necessary in order for your company to run successfully. It can become less of a frightening task if you look for ways in which you can reduce time, stress and errors related to the processing of payroll. No matter how large or small your company is, here are five tips to help you get the ball rolling on a smooth, proficient payroll system: Read More 

Three Common Mistakes Independent Contractors Make With Their Taxes

Independent contractors are often on their own when they have to do their taxes -- and this can lead to some significant mistakes. If you want to be conscientious about your taxes, the best thing to do is to consult with an accountant before the tax year is over, rather than when you actually need to complete your tax return. 1. Not Booking Their Expenses for Fear of Audit The idea of an audit is terrifying to most, but many independent contractors are especially frightened of it because their tax return is more complicated than a normal 1040-EZ. Read More 

7 Tax Deductions That You Might Not Have Been Aware Of

Not being aware of certain tax deductions can really cost you when you file your income tax return. Unfortunately, many taxpayers aren't aware of some of the most common and largest deductions they can make. If you're itemizing deductions on your tax return, you should be aware of the following seven deductions to minimize your tax liability: Health insurance premiums- Medical expenses can be very difficult to afford. This is especially true for those with chronic health conditions. Read More 

Working in Someone’s Home? Know Their Tax Responsibilities Toward You

If you provide child care, cleaning services or health care in the home of your employer, it's important to understand the financial relationship you have with that person.  Otherwise, you may not only open yourself up to extra taxes but also to risk that you're not even aware of.  How so?  Employee or Independent Contractor? Employers are responsible for paying payroll taxes and providing certain basic rights.  But many employers try to skirt the rules and the cost by calling a worker an independent contractor rather than an employee. Read More 

3 Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners

During tax season, there are many ways a small business can save some money and make the most of their tax deductions. The easiest way to maximize your deductions is to keep every receipt, because even the smallest amount of money spent can add up to big savings at the end of the year. This article will give you some deductions that are often overlooked by small businesses when it comes to tax deductions. Read More